Timon (tee-moan):
Timon is 9 years old and is extremely hyper. I know most kids have a lot of energy but his is over the top. He's actually ADHD. He enjoys playing tennis and doing gymnastics (but only because his 'favorite sister', Flora, does gymnastics too). He absolutely loves singing and listening to music. His current favorites are Poker Face by Lady Gaga and Right Round by Flo Rida, and he sings them ALL the time!! I call him little Dwain, because he is going through this phase where he thinks he is super cool and some of the things he says and does remind of how Dwain was once upon a time. :) (love you Dwain) He wears these really big, ugly sunglasses and a big, ugly hat with a dollar sign. In his mind, every time he puts them on he is magically turned into this really cool 'gangsta' that walks with 'pimpin' kind of strut. He's recently discovered that it's cool to say 'chillin' (i.e. I'm just 'chillin') So now he refers to himself as a "Chiller." haha
Flora is 7 years old and is the easiest of the 4 to get along with. She is the most mellow and reasonable. Her favorite things to do are gymnastics, vaulting (gymnastics on horseback...AMAZING), and playing with her best friend Sophie. She is extremely smart and her english is impeccable for a 7 year old!
Fanny will be turning 5 years old this week. Of any kid I have ever met, she is the most difficult to get along with. One minute she loves you and the next she hates you. I try really hard to understand but...I just don't. In her good moments she is one of the cutest kids ever. She could probably be famous one day just for her smile. She, like Flora and Timon, also enjoys doing gymnastics. Her other activities include being mean to Timon and Flora and beating up Christoph. haha just kidding...(ok I'm not kidding but she does have good qualities too...I think) Her less devilish activities include coloring and playing with perler beads to no end! In some ways, as much as I hate to admit it, she is kind of like my kindred spirit. For example, she is a perfectionist, she likes almost all the same foods as me, and she bites her nails like there's no tomorrow! :)
Christoph will soon be 3 years old and is, most of the time, really funny and happy. He is currently going through potty training which is interesting. At first he absolutely loved going on the 'big toilet' but now he's bored with it, making it extremely difficult to get him to NOT wet his pants. Sometimes he runs up to me or Isabelle and screams "Ich muss LULU"-I must peepee, even if he doesn't actually have to go because he thinks our reaction is funny. He is the good-humored one in the family, however his good humor can spoil really quickly when the other kids don't think he's as funny as he thinks he is. In which case he deems it necessary to scream, kick, hit, pinch, and break Fanny's glasses. His favorite thing to do is to sit by me, play with my hair, and be read to. He loves it when I read english books to him. We would do it for hours everyday if I allowed it. He also never goes anywhere without his schnule (binki) and stuffed animal bear which actually looks more like a rag. He will do anything as long as bear wants to do it. Which makes things really easy for me when he's being difficult. For example: -"Christoph, it's time for bed now buddy." - "NO I WANT NOT GO TO BED!!!!" -"but Christoph, bear just told me that he's really really tired and wants to go to bed. But he doesn't want to go without you. Just look at him, he's so sad and tired, you better go to bed with him. " -*sniff sniff* "ok bear, we can go" or "Christoph, bear doesn't want to sleep with you tonight if you don't brush your teeth. He thinks your breath is yucky and really wants you to brush your teeth before bed." :)
Amazing how kids are the same no matter what part of the world they live in! Thanks for sharing.