Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Calling all kids (Penny) who have to do chores regularly...and HATE it!!!

Like most kids I had to do chores regularly and, like most kids,  I HATED it!!  For years I tried to avoid doing chores, and for years I failed miserably.  The chores (along with mom of course) ALWAYS  won in the end.    But now that I am a little bit older and am actually starting to understand the importance of chores, I have finally found the perfect strategy to avoiding them!  So for all kids who still do chores, and kick and scream everytime *cough-Penny-cough* , listen carefully because I am about to share with you the secret that took me years to figure out.    -Be adopted into an AUSTRIAN family!!!!!!!!!!!

When I first got here I noticed that the mom and the nanny did everything! Literally!  These kids don't do anything for themselves, heaven forbid!  "What?! Put a game away when I'm done playing?!?!"  "You mean I should clean up the juice I blatantly spilled everywhere?!?  I've never heard of such atrocities!"  "I'm only 9! Why on earth would I wipe my own butt?!?"  ....Ok the last one may or may not have been but definitely was an exaggeration.  lol    At first I thought it was just "my" kids, but after talking with a few other families and nannys, I've learned that the people here believe that kids should not have to do any form of work until they have kids of their own!!!  Don't get me wrong, "my" kids are really good and fun kids an I love them, but still...I mean come on they don't even clean their own rooms or put their own clothes away....EVER!  Now I do understand that moms all over the world work very hard cleaning up after their kids and would help them with anything, BUT at least most of them try to teach their kids the concept of self-reliance and independance!

So for all kids who hate doing chores, it's simple really, just convince you're parents to ship you to Europe!!  


  1. Are you kidding me? Good thing those kids don't have me as a mom! I make my kids do dishes and their own laundry!!! Do you have to do a lot of the cleaning then?

    Love the pictures of the kids. They look too adorable to make any sort of mess! lol
    love and miss you,

  2. Oh My that would not fly in my house....
