Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bittersweet Birthday Wish

Flora's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. She will be turning 8 on Dec. 6. The other day while we were discussing party plans, and she was showing me all the decorations she wanted, I asked her what she would like for her birthday from me. I personally thought it was a fairly simple question, but apparently I was wrong. Because she then proceeded to spend the next two hours going back and forth and back and forth with a million different ideas. Her list consisted of barbie ponies, horse stickers and posters, games... and thousands of other things I've already forgotten. Every time I thought she had made up her mind, she would change it again or say, "oh I don't know Neecol, it's too hard to decide." To which I would respond, "Flora, it's really ok, you don't have to decide right this second." Finally after literally hours of ping-ponging ideas I thought she'd given up for the day. But then she came up to me again and said, "No Neecol, I KNOW NOW what I wish from you for my birthday....I wish that you never have to go back to America and just stay with me forever."

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